Gospel workers
unleashed in God’s love.

Coming alongside teams on mission together to ignite personal, spiritual transformation for the sake of the gospel.

Our vision is to come alongside teams on mission to ignite personal, spiritual transformation for the sake of the gospel, beginning with a 48-hour facilitated team spiritual retreat. We focus on four crucial practices that are often misunderstood or neglected in our spiritual journeys.

Four Crucial Practices

Attuning to
God’s voice

Living in

Engaging our

Doing life with
spiritual friends

This is to my Father’s glory,

that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.

JOHN 15:8-9

Embrace Retreats

Learn about our retreats and our hope for teams participating. See also if Embrace Ministry is the right fit for your team before registering.

Embrace Ministry Impact


Our goal is to offer our services to international teams free of charge. We only ask the teams we serve to cover their own room and board. We don’t want finances to get in the way of their transformation and fruitfulness. Will you help support our ministry to ignite personal spiritual transformation for the sake of the gospel?